Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of Public/Docs/Errors/DataModelError1002

Dec 17, 2019, 12:30:58 PM (4 years ago)


  • Public/Docs/Errors/DataModelError1002

    v1 v1  
     1= Unresolved references in content on checkin (1002)
     2== General
     3In DITA and other modular data models, content files can contain references to other content files. On checkin operations, the content file references are resolved and associated with references to objects in the Cinnamon repository. If file references are found that are not associated with an object in the repository, the unresolved references are listed in the error message.
     5This typically happens when editing a file and inserting a link to a file in the file system that is not an object in Cinnamon. The correct way to insert links is as follows:
     7== Standard method
     8* In CDCplus, check out the parent object.
     9* When CDCplus asks, confirm opening the file in an editor.
     10* Select the parent object.
     11* Select the tab //Relations//.
     12* Right-click in the //Children// section and select "Add a new relation" from the context menu.
     13* Navigate to the target object's folder and select the object to be referenced. You can also select multiple objects to be referenced.
     14* On some systems or with specific user groups, depending on the configuration, you must select the relation type. If the selection dialog is shown, select "Child content". If the dialog is not shown, the correct relation type has been chosen automatically.
     15* Push the //Save// button (diskette icon).
     16* Right-click the newly added relation and choose "Copy filename" from the menu.
     17* Using your editor, insert the referencing element into the parent file.
     18* Insert the clipboard content to the correct attribute - in the case of DITA, this is normally {{{href}}} or {{{conref}}}.
     19* Save the parent file.
     20* Check the parent file in.
     22== Method with oXygen XML Editor plugin
     23oXygen plugin is a commercial product by our partner [ reinisch GmbH] that simplifies handling of modular XML, or particularly DITA content. Please [ contact us] for more info.
     25* In CDCplus, check out the parent object.
     26* When CDCplus asks, confirm opening the file in an editor.
     27* Insert the clipboard content to the correct attribute - in the case of DITA, this is normally {{{href}}} or {{{conref}}}.
     28* In oXygen, push the //Add reference// button and choose the object you want to reference.
     29* Save the parent file.
     30* Check the parent file in.